Elijah Cole

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I am a Research Scientist at a stealth startup, where I work on large AI models for biology.

Previously, I was a Research Scientist at Altos Labs, where I worked with Peter Kharchenko to develop machine learning systems to discover biologically significant cell and tissue states from multiscale, multimodal experimental data (e.g. spatial transcriptomics, scRNA-seq, histology, IF, IHC). I received a Ph.D. from the Computing and Mathematical Sciences department at Caltech where I was advised by Pietro Perona and supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. During my Ph.D. I completed internships at Google Research, Microsoft Research, and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. Before that, I received a B.S.E. from Duke University with a double major in electrical engineering and mathematics. I am grateful to my passionate public school teachers in Utah (Grantsville, Sandy, Salt Lake City), Nebraska (Omaha), and Texas (San Antonio).


Feel free to reach out via [email] or [linkedin].